Long Beach
Police Department
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Following the parade in 1984:
front row L-R - J. O'Brien, G. Salter, J. Morrison, B. Sammules, J. Kearns, J. Belling, T. Parker, R. Chaffer, T. Soefielf, W. O'Brien, P. Reed, Commissioner Barnett, E. Fickle, J. Condon, P. Wren, M. Nugent, J. Valla, D. Clancy, K. Lamando, F. Bedia, F. Sharpe.
on the steps, L-R - T. Brown, C. VanRoten, Unk ??, R, Brooks, D. Mann, R. Calabrese, P. Henck, Unk ??, V. Buscemi
on the porch, L-R- G. Brown, R. Nielsen, J. Radin, R. Auletta, M. Jamison, M. Dunne, W. Long, M. Tagnet, R. Mann, A Cantello, G. McCartney, K. Rooney, D. Phillips, R. Bart, Unk, J. Daly, A. Gilliam, H. Domitz, D. Mann, R. Columbo, J. Larson, M. Langlois.
Photo courtesy of Joe O'Brien
![Graduation Day May 6, 1966](files/lbpdmay6_1966fix.jpg)
Graduation Day from the Nassau County Police Academy, May 6, 1966
L-R NCPD Commissioner Looney,Ptl. J. O'Brien, Ptl. D. Clancy, Ptl. A. Witman, Ptl. A. Vermylie, Ptl. A. Liguori, LBPD Commissioner Panza
(in back) Ptl. T. Murphy, Ptl. O. Neil
photo courtesy of Joe O'Brien
Memorial Day, 1971
front row L-R - Klejmont, Coon, Abramson, Miller, E. Buscemi, Rosengrave, Nugent, Mannix, McMahaon, DeGrace, W. O'Brien, Bedia, Chalvien, Fiore, McGowan, Carroll, Commissioner Yurman, Commissionr Lane, McCabe, Carbona
on steps- Faber, Mallon,, Liguori, Nolan, Price,, Unk, Reiber, Metress, Witman, Kearns, Welker, Morrisson, Portee, Maher, Unk, Unk, Wren, Lanzetta, Barnett, Unk, McCarthy, Lane, Cohen, O'Neil, Lamarca, Valle, McKennyReed, Edwards, Clancy
Honor Guard - Daly, Voigt, Ficke, Merkerson
Email me if you can identify any of the unknown faces.. please tell me which photo, row, and who they are standing next to. Thanks !
This is a photo of Joseph F. Lane. He served in the LBPD between 1945 and 1975 rising from Patrolman to Commissioner. For years he was the Commanding Officer of the LBPD Detective Division and attended the FBI National Academy, the second LB Officer to do so - the first was Capt. John Madden.
Photo and documentation courtesy of Joseph F. Lane Jr.
Officer Milt Mendik was an Auxiliary/Special Police Officer (Badge # 333) in Long Beach for approximately 12 years. You may remember him...he rode the boardwalk in a Cushman wearing a helmet! This photo was taken in August 1968.
Photo courtesy of Faith Mendik
L/R Sgt Joe O'Brien, Sgt Don Clancy and Sgt Albert Ligouri (year not stated)
Courtesy of John Caracciolo
Police Department
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